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Commemorating Three Decades And Seven Years Of Dedication

Historical Anniversary: Chambéry Remembers 37 Years of Service

Commemorating Three Decades and Seven Years of Dedication

September 30, 1986 - September 30, 2023

Today, Chambéry proudly marks the 37th anniversary of an unwavering commitment to its community. On September 30, 1986, a beacon of progress was ignited, illuminating the lives of countless individuals.

Over the past three decades and seven years, an unyielding spirit of service has permeated the tapestry of Chambéry. From humble beginnings to remarkable milestones, the collective efforts of its people have transformed the city into a vibrant hub of opportunity and innovation.

As we gather to celebrate this historical anniversary, let us pay tribute to the countless individuals who have dedicated their time and energy to shaping Chambéry into the exceptional community it is today. Their unwavering commitment has laid the foundation for a prosperous and fulfilling future for generations to come.

Join us today as we commemorate this momentous occasion and honor the enduring legacy of service that has shaped our beloved city for 37 remarkable years.
