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Life Cleric 5e Build


Clerics of Life Domain

Deities for Life Clerics

Known Deities

Life Clerics typically align themselves with benevolent deities who value life and healing. Common choices include:

  • Chauntea (goddess of nature and growth)
  • Eldath (goddess of rivers and healing)
  • Helm (god of protection and guardians)
  • Ilmater (god of suffering and endurance)
  • Lathander (god of dawn and renewal)
  • Lliira (goddess of joy and laughter)
  • Selune (goddess of the moon and stars)

Key Spells for Life Clerics

Death Ward

This spell grants a target temporary hit points and immunity to critical hits and effects that cause instant death. It is essential for protecting allies from lethal attacks.

Guardian of Faith

Guardian of Faith summons a celestial guardian that provides protection for the cleric and their allies. It can absorb damage and grant temporary hit points, making it a valuable tool for keeping the party alive in combat.

